

Cherokey Fire Protection's commercial fire safety inspection experts can spot issues before they become disasters

Detailed and regular inspections are key to assuring the effective operation of any fire protection system. Inspections will cover standard functional issues as well as factors that are not immediately apparent but can still affect system performance. The well-trained NICET (National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies) certified and licensed inspectors at Cherokey can manage your required annual inspections and maintenance, as well as service portable Fire Extinguishers and coordinate with your fire alarm services.

Cherokey Fire Protection is your total fire safety partner!


    The riser assembly is visually inspected for leaks, damage or deterioration A test flow is conducted to test the alarm function and riser function Each unit of the building must be walked to visually inspect all automatic sprinkler heads for the following:

      • NDamage
      • NPaint overspray
      • NObstructions
      • NLeaks
      • NProper Positioning
      • NFire Pump Systems
      • NBackflow Preventers
      • NVisual inspection of the entire pumping system for leaks or damage
      • NLubrication of necessary equipment
      • NFlow test of fire pump
      • NTest alarm equipment function
      • NArrangements will need to be made with management to allow access to all units on the inspection date. Also, a management personnel member must accompany Cherokey Fire Protection staff at all times during the unit inspection.

      dry PIPE SYSTEMS

      Dry pipe systems are used where extensive portions of the system are subject to freezing temperatures.
      In a dry pipe system, automatic fire sprinklers are attached to a piping system containing air under pressure. The release of the air from an opening sprinkler due to a fire permits the water pressure to open a dry pipe valve. The water then flows into the piping system and out the opening sprinklers.

      preaction SYSTEMS

      A preaction system is used where accidental discharge of water is a special concern.
      In the preaction system, automatic fire sprinklers are attached to a piping system containing air that may or may not be under pressure, with a supplemental detection system installed in the same area as the sprinklers. Actuation of the detection system opens a valve that permits water to flow into the sprinkler piping system and to be discharged from any sprinklers that are open.
      Variations of the preaction system are possible. In a non-interlocking preaction system, water is admitted to the sprinkler piping on operation of either the detection devices or automatic fire sprinklers. In the most common type of preaction system, the single interlock system, water is admitted to the sprinkler piping upon operation of the detection devices.
      In the double-interlock system, often used for protection of freezers, water is admitted to sprinkler piping only upon operation of both the detection devices and automatic fire sprinklers.